Software Updates
March 2024
Multi-Vertical Support
SOP now supports multiple industries.
Design Overhaul
Enhanced visual experience w/ added sidebar navigation.
Performance Improvements
Major performance improvements to the web app.
GPS Maps on Mobile
GPS maps now available in the mobile app, powered by Google.
Truck Signout Options
Users can now choose from multiple options when signing out a truck.
December 2023
Get real-time updates & reminders for important activity inside SOP.
Real-time traffic indicators
Added traffic indicators to jobs for at-a-glance information.
Vehicle Inspections
Drivers can now fillout a vehicle inspection report ahead of check-in.
September 2023
GPS Tracking
SOP now supports GPS tracking through our driver app.
Google Map Updates
SOP now shows selectable search results for addresses, powered by Google.
June 2023
Producer Portal
SOP has added support for a 'Producer' side, with tailored tools & information specific to this side of the process.
Job Number Availability Indicator
When adding a new job number, there is now a green or red indicator signifying its availability.
Load QC Report
A new, highly-detailed report dedicated for QC users.
Report Cards
All global reports now have at-a-glance information in the form of report cards.
February 2023
Load QC Stations
Load QCs now include a station field for better accuracy & description.
Email Changes
Before a user has activated their account, you can now edit their email for a new activation invite.
General Bugfixes
Various bugs & improvements.
September 2022
Improved table designs & responsiveness
We've updated the look & feel of our tables for better ease-of-use & a more responsive feel.
Offline Mode for Mobile Apps
Our mobile apps now support offline actions such as unloading trucks.
Performance Improvements
We've improved the overall performance of the app to better respond to your needs.
March 2022
Improved Job Stats
We've added job stats for more reporting features & simplified job statistics.
Multi-Account Users
SOP now allows administrators to access multiple business accounts to manage subsidiaries. QC personnel can be invited to multiple inspection firm teams to access jobs.
Account Profile
Administrators can now manage their business account details from their profile.
Improved Shift Settings and Target Set Up
Users can now manage shift settings, set targets, and deliver location from one easy location.
Copy Shift and Truck Schedule
When copying a shift for scheduling, managers can also copy the truck schedule.
Faster Dashboard
We made a lot of improvements to speed up the dashboard job lists, with even more on the way.
January 2022
Improved Job Shift Stats
We've rebuilt our daily shift stats for more advanced information and reporting features.
New Truck Sign Out
Manage your sign out time settings for more accurate truck times, and easier foreman sign out.
New Photo Notes
Add photo notes faster on mobile devices without adding text.
Dashboard Job Lists
SOP improved the dashboard details, formatting, and locations.
November 2021
Improved User Management
Manage users easier with a redesigned list, contact details, last login date, and sorting and searching. Locked user accounts can be found using the link at the top of the page.
Improved Truck and Carrier Management
Manage trucks and carriers easier with a redesigned list with sorting and searching. Trucks can now be archived to exclude from truck search fields on reporting and material haul loading pages.
Updated QC Report
The QC report now includes public load notes and pictures for more complete documentation of quality control results.
Improved Linked Account Managament
Improved account view for linked accounts with more details, and add/remove multiple jobs from one location.
Truck Time Card Report
Our new truck time card report allows users to search by carrier and truck and group by date, truck, and shift.
Material Haul Unloading at the Plant
Plant users can now unload material haul loads being delivered to the plant.
Add/Edit Job Details
The add/edit job view is now easier to use, including a prompt if a business unit isn’t selected.
New Job Shift Navigation
SOP improved the menu buttons at the bottom of the job shift to improve shift management and access to options and tools.
Add Backhaul
Users can now create a backhaul from an existing production job to quickly track material back to the plant.
Driver Improvements
SOP made some improvements to the driver portal, including showing the job site arrival time, adding an ‘Arrived’ option on return trips to the plant, and clearer truck linking and messaging.
Dashboard Updates
SOP’s dashboard and job lists were updated to include the job foreman’s name, a quick link to set deliver location, clearer material haul labeling, and more.
Easier Deliver Location Setup
Quick access to set the deliver location from the dashboard and summary views.
August 2021
Improved Shift Notes and Pictures
Easier shift note access, more note types, and the option to add pictures to help contractors coordinate and track issues.
Dashboard Job List Improvements
Some design clean up, including grouping shifts by date for easier access.
Plant Time Zones
SOP now uses the source or destination plant to display ETAs and ticket times in the correct time zone. Users can also turn on the time zone display for each plant.
Time Report Clean Up
Easier access to time cards, adjustments, and approval for foremen in the field.
Load Note Privacy
Contractors can add private loads notes that won't appear on printed tickets or be seen by connected accounts.
Trucking Calculator
SOP automatically uses your target tons, shift hours, and travel time to recommend the number of trucks to schedule.
SOP's new driver interface makes it easier for drivers to access their tickets and view ETAs and performance. Drivers can also add note, set their arrived time and location, and self-unload with photo documentation (material hauls only).
Improved truck and carrier mapping from the load out system, hidden inactive users, unload details on the all loads list, and more!
June 2021
Mobile Application
SOP released its Android mobile application with automatic BLE detection.
Job fields
Users can now add multiple project owner description fields and a separate customer job number if different than the producer.
Schedule PDF
The foreman user's name and phone are now included on the schedule.
April 2021
Plant Schedule
Plant operators can now see upcoming jobs, including from outsides sales contractors.
Improved traffic routing
SOP updated its traffic routing to provide even more accurate truck routing.
Target Hours and TPH
SOP's scheduling now includes target hours for the shift and calculated TPH. Check the activity report to compare load, unload, and target TPH at the end of the shift.
Activity Report
SOP's new shift activity report includes an overview of user activity, TPH, and performance for the day.
New Support Form
SOP's new in-app support form makes it easier to report issues, ask questions, and submit feedback.
Plant Tickets
Plant operators can now access load lists and tickets to add QC, notes, and pictures.
Delivering Trucks List
SOP redesigned the delivering list for mobile devices so it's easier to see ETA times on smaller screens.
February 2021
Connected Accounts
Contractors no longer need to manage each and every user that needs access to a job’s electronic tickets. Additional contractors, inspection firms, and project owners can be invited to create their own SOP account, allowing them to manage their own individual users.
Job Access
Customers have better control over who has access to jobs and electronic tickets. Producers and contractors can assign outside sales contractors, subcontractors, inspection firms, and project owners to one or more jobs to allow access to tickets.
Multiple Contractors
Invite additional subcontractors and outside sales customers to provide access to electronic tickets. Use a customer code to automatically assign new jobs and tickets or assign a contractor to individual jobs.